Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Round 12: Miles Cipriani (Page 2 of 2)

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The two had such a great time talking at dinner and then while they played a game of pool and a few hands of poker that they forgot the time. They found that they could relate to eachother on several diffrent levels (other than simply a mutual physical attraction). And as cautious with his fragile heart as he was, Miles decided to make a move.
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He asked Ruby back to his place for the night. It was late, and he did not want her walking home alone, better the two of them head back to his place. And she agreed.
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He was a complete gentleman. He even asked if she would stick around in the morning and meet his kids (they wouldn't have to know that she stayed the night). He also asked if she was comfortable with joining them for Laurana's birthday party. Smitten, Ruby agreed.
The next day, the kids were welcoming to Ruby. And when it came time for Laurana's party everyone was getting along great.
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Laurana Cipriani
Fortune - LTW - Become Business Tycoon
Gemini - 3 sloppy, 9 outgoing, 9 active, 8 playful, 6 nice
Happy Birthday Laurana!
In other news this week...
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Miles reaches TOC in the military.
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Ruby Cedar
Family - LTW - Reach Golden Anniversary
Aquarius - 4 sloppy, 4 outgoing, 3 lazy, 6 playful, 8 nice
Miles asks Ruby to move in and she accepts! She and the kids are getting along great, she even took them on a little shopping spree...
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And Gwen decided to head off to college.
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Accomplishments this round: Sarah dies by satelite, Nancy dies of old age at 78 days old and leave platinum grave, Miles opens community lot #4 Rose Island Real Estate, Miles reaches TOC in military, Laurana becomes a teen, Ruby Cedar moves in, Gwen leaves for uni.

Business levels at end of round: Round Barn General Store 8, Rose Island Real Estate 5, Van Dough Gallery 10, Inner Child Toys and Gifts 6.

Ongoing point total: 102

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Round 12: Miles Cipriani (Page 1 of 2)

Last week in this house. The update was a busy one, Thomas transitioned to a child and then a teen, Sarah activated servo Jeeves, Laurana became a toddler and then a child, Gwen became a teen, Miles purchased another lot making the family business total a whopping 5, beloved father and grandfather Nolan passed on.

Upon entering the house this week, Sarah was where I had left her in the wee hours of Monday morning (**players note: again this is me admitting that I skipped out of the house a couple hours early, anxious to get on to the next house...anyway...).
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When she noticed something, what she thought was a shooting star. Surprised and excited, she tried to get the attention of her family. With them all inside the house none noticed her excited shouts, she sat for a moment and watched as the falling star became larger and larger...until it no longer looked like a falling star. But before she could run...
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...she was smushed!
(**players note: this is the first time in my long history of simming that this death has happened!! I was pumped, and sad at the same time)
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The loud crashing noise startled Miles and the kids and when they ran out to see what the comotion was they saw their mother underneath the fallen satelite. All of them in complete shock and disbelief, they watched as the grim reaper went about his business. None could find words to beg for her life...all were completely dumbfounded.
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After his wife's sudden and tragic death, Miles was devistated. He was thrown into a depression unlike any that he had experienced.
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He moped around the house for a while in his pajamas distraut and unsure of what to do next, until his mother stepped in.
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Nancy had loved her daughter in law dearly, and knew how hard her passing had been on her son, but she also knew that she could not let him continue to mope around. He was a grown man with four businesses, a career in the military, and three children to look after.
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After their talk, Miles seemed to perk up. He knew that he could not change the fact that he had lost Sarah, but he could go on with his life as she would have wanted.
Immediately Miles went back to work. He had recently purchased his fifth community lot business and had barely had the chance to work there as losing Sarah came suddenly after he had opened the new shop.
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Rose Island Real Estate Office
Thinking that it was a lucrative business, Miles decided to take the chance and get into real estate. He had become quite the business mougul and was ready for a true challenge. Though he had not spent much time there, he was able to set things up a bit before Sarah passed.

A few weeks prior....
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Miles had set up shop and started to sell the few properties that he had managed to aquire. Business was going well, but he soon discovered that the demand for property was higher than he had anticipated. He needed help, and fast!
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Miles knew just the person he needed to help him make this a successful venture. She was lovely and talented. She would be perfect as his secratary, helping to aquire properties and draw in customers with advertising. Though her being his employee would be a challenge for him due to their extreme chemistry (3 bolts), he was a married man after all. But the risk was worth it. He needed someone of her calibur.
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Lucky for Miles, she had accepted the postition. Ruby Cedar was his newest employee.
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She went to work immediatley and was secretly thrilled to work for Miles. Ruby had never felt attraction like the kind she felt for Miles. Though he was married and she would never, could never knowingly break up a happy marraige, she was happy to be his right hand woman in the most lucrative business he owned.

Back in the present...
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It had been far too long since Miles had been to work. He had clinets lined up and had pushed the appointments back far enough.
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Ruby had worked alone for the first little while. And his first day back had been too busy and stressful for her to even mention how sorry she was to have heard about Sarah.
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But when she finally did have the chance, Miles was absolutely charming. He claimed that he was working through the loss and was glad to be back to work...and glad to see her. Not sure what to make of the situation, Ruby readied her things and said goodnight while Miles closed up shop.
Though when he got home that night more bad news awaited him.
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At 78 sim days old, his mother Nancy passed on of natural causes.
With the double loss weighing on him, Miles had nothing to do but to take his mother's advice and get to work. The next afternoon, after a shift at the military base, Miles made his way to his toy shop.
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He was pleased to see he could depend on his employee Shaunna Phisher (aka sim me) to take care of the shop for him. And deciding to forgo the stops he needed to make at the other shops, Miles headed dowtown for a drink.
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And as fate would have it, Miles ran into Ruby as he made his way into Rodney's Hideout. It did not take even a moments thought, he quickly asked her to join him for dinner.

Round 12: Cipriani-Sharpe Family

Last week in the Cipriani-Sharpe household Ben reconnected with his ex wife Starla after the passing of her second husband. Eden became a lovely teen. Ben activated Zola the servo as a last hope of someone to continue caring for Eden after he was gone.

We start this week as we started the last. Ben and Starla are still spending alot of time together, but as previoisly mentioned, do not want to bother with getting married again this late in life.
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And Ben also puts time into trying to help Zola understand that she will be sole caretaker of Eden when he passes.
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His passing is the only thing that he can seem to think of. He makes sure to say his goodbyes to his sons, and to Eden.
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Tired of his brooding mood about death and leaving her behind, Eden decides to put her foot down and confront Ben. And her words actually hit home. He had raised a smart, responsible, and beautiful young woman.
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After their little talk, Ben decides to install a pool in the back yard.
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It is something he was glad he did. Eden had been right, he needed to focus less on the end and more on the journey to it.
Though, just as he was learning to enjoy himself again, his time comes all too soon...
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And no matter how hard he had tried to prepare her for it, Eden took his passing really hard. Ben had been everything to her...a father, a mother...her entire support system.
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And without Ben there to guide her hand, Eden began to act out.
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She started with deactivating Zola so that she could sneak out with her boyfriend Joel.
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And ended up in a bit of deep water for it.
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But the worst part was that there was no one there to punish one there to tell her right from wrong.
Knowing that she needed a change in her life, Eden made the decision to head off to university.
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First, she reactivated Zola and made her appologies.
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Next, she had someone else to appologize too. Knowing that he would be disappointed in her crushed Eden, but she could not undo what was already done.
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Unsure if she would be coming back to this house in her lifetime, Eden sent the graves of her loved ones to the new Chruch on the Island St. Roses'.
Then all that was left was to pack some of her things and head off to Academie Le Bloom.
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This was a chance at a fresh start. A chance to discover who she was and what she wanted from life. Though she would have to go it alone, Eden was as ready as she could ever be.
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See you at Uni Eden, good luck!

Accomplishments this round: Ben passes away at 78 days old and leaves a platinum grave, Eden heads off to uni

Ongoing point total: 100