Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Round 6: Nolan and Nancy Cipriani

Welcome back to our home. I'm Nancy. Nolan reminded me that he forgot the last time, so I would like to show you a picture of our home. It's not much yet, but it's something! After living in apartments my whole life I was excited...make that thrilled to own my own home. Nolan and I have plans to add on, but we are sentimental and plan to stay on the same lot for the rest of our lives and hope to one day pass it on to our son Miles.
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And speaking of Miles, with his birthday just around the corner, his father did something that we hadn't discussed...
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He brought Rascal home for Miles. "An early birthday present" Nolan claimed, but I knew better. My husband had wanted a dog for a long time, but had though he would never have had the time to care for one. And now that Miles was in our lives he had realized that he could handle a puppy.
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I have to admit, the little guy lived up to his name...he was defenitly a "Rascal"! But he was growing on me as the days passed. With another little one in the house I was tired after looking after them both, but found time for naps while Miles took his.
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The topic of another child had not come up, but Nolan and I were happy to have Miles, and did not feel the need or desire for another baby. We were both very focused on our careers and enjoyed moving up in the ranks of our career fields. Plus our hired help was less than adequate.
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Nanny Calista was so irresponsible that she set herself on fire one afternoon. Luckily the fire brigade was able tor rescue her, and Nolan was there to look after Miles. Imagine the tragedy if this would have happened when neither of us were home.
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One afternoon while we were out our gardner just decided that she would take a break and read the paper on our dime! No, we did not need another child...we had enough just trying to look after all of these wacky employees!
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Luckily, Miles's birthday came quickly and he would be in school while we worked so that we could let Nanny Calista go. After the fire incident she never quite seemed herself.
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Little Rascal (no longer little) also had a birthday. Now a full grown dog, he was causing more mischief than ever.
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He had developed quite the relationship with a strange wolf. **players note: this is the first apperance of Killer (no joke) Rose Island's Leader of the Pack**
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Miles started spending time with his friends after school. The kids were always welcome at our house. His best friend was actually his aunt (believe it or not) Ava Cipriani.
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As for Nolan and I we could not have been happier.
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Be sure to come back next time around!

Family Stats for Round 6
# of sims: 3 # of pets 1
Family Net Worth: 35,690


Anonymous said...

You had some bad employees for sure! I love that the gardner sat down to read the paper! Too funny. :) I've never had that happen.

Ziese52 said...

I love the name Rascal for the dog and he sure grew up interesting (in a good way)looking.

Hehe Nanny Fire!!!

Rhexy said...

Yeah, the gardner was a glitchy thing...I had several arrive on the same day and they just started haning out!

As far as Rascal...he did get a mix of his parents jeans (Mystic and Dane from Lucien and Natasha Cipriani Round 4, or 5?) But funny thing is that neither parent had those pointy ears?

Anonymous said...

Nanny on fire is hilarous! Only you're right, if she died, they would have come for Miles. Glad she was saved and hope you fired her!
Fun update! I love Rascal and Miles is adorable... come on now, seeing how cute Miles is, you know they need a daughter Heh!

Anonymous said...

Take that you dumb nanny! Just once I'd like them to catch on fire and die though - the fire department always seems to put them out on time!
I've never had the gardener do that - too funny!
Perfect name for the Leader of the Pack!

Fairy D said...

Stupid Nanny is always setting herself on fire. One of these days she isn't going to be saved.
I am so glad you didn't lose Miles because of her stupidity.